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[Video] Music Core; Legend of Stage: KARA Jumps as Lupin

Written By 092505589 on Saturday, December 25, 2010 | 12:24 AM

KARA has recently returned from Japan promotions of 'Jumping', now it's Korea's turn to watch KARA's performances of 'Jumping'. Earlier this year, KARA also came back with 'Lupin', which helped them get a few prizes. The 'emergency door dance' of Lupinhas also gained much attention. Check out KARA's performance of 'Lupin' and 'Jumping' on Music Core today:

Video Credits: chouchihching@YT
KARA has recently returned from Japan promotions of 'Jumping', now it's Korea's turn to watch KARA's performances of 'Jumping'. Earlier this year, KARA also came back with 'Lupin', which helped them get a few prizes. The 'emergency door dance' of Lupinhas also gained much attention. Check out KARA's performance of 'Lupin' and 'Jumping' on Music Core today:

Video Credits: chouchihching@YT

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