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Lake House Chairman orders employees to attend the May Day rally against Ban Ki-moon's Report

Written By 092505589 on Sunday, April 24, 2011 | 10:20 PM

Lake House Chairman (one on right in the photo) has issued an order asking all employees to participate in the May Day rally to protest against UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The Chairman has informed the staff through directors and editors to attend the rally attired in white and stand under their respective banners as the May Day rally will be organized without considering any party affiliations.

A large number of heads of government institutions have made it compulsory for their workers to attend the government's May Day rally in a similar manner. Employees have been informed that action would be taken in future against those who do not participate in the rally.
Lake House Chairman (one on right in the photo) has issued an order asking all employees to participate in the May Day rally to protest against UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

The Chairman has informed the staff through directors and editors to attend the rally attired in white and stand under their respective banners as the May Day rally will be organized without considering any party affiliations.

A large number of heads of government institutions have made it compulsory for their workers to attend the government's May Day rally in a similar manner. Employees have been informed that action would be taken in future against those who do not participate in the rally.

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