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Rubber prices decline

Written By 092505589 on Monday, April 25, 2011 | 5:39 PM

[postlink]https://breakinghotnewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/04/rubber-prices-decline_25.html[/postlink]Indunil Hewage

The average rubber prices of RSS-1, RSS-2, RSS-3, RSS-4 and RSS-5 in March, saw a slight decline comparison to average rubber prices in February . Speaking to Daily News Business a Rubber Development Department official said the average price of one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2, RSS-3, RSS-4 and RSS-5 registered Rs 636, Rs 631.50, Rs. 621.20, Rs 596.33 and Rs 592.80 in February, 2011.

In March, 2011 average price of one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2, RSS-3, RSS-4 and RSS-5 recorded Rs 543.86, Rs 588.25, Rs 538, Rs 529.25 and Rs 514.33 respectively.

However, during the second week in April, one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2 , RSS-3 were Rs 583, Rs 568 and Rs 560 respectively.

During the fourth week in April, one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2 were Rs 576 and Rs 570 while RSS-3 recorded Rs 545.

source - www.dailynews.lk

Indunil Hewage

The average rubber prices of RSS-1, RSS-2, RSS-3, RSS-4 and RSS-5 in March, saw a slight decline comparison to average rubber prices in February . Speaking to Daily News Business a Rubber Development Department official said the average price of one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2, RSS-3, RSS-4 and RSS-5 registered Rs 636, Rs 631.50, Rs. 621.20, Rs 596.33 and Rs 592.80 in February, 2011.

In March, 2011 average price of one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2, RSS-3, RSS-4 and RSS-5 recorded Rs 543.86, Rs 588.25, Rs 538, Rs 529.25 and Rs 514.33 respectively.

However, during the second week in April, one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2 , RSS-3 were Rs 583, Rs 568 and Rs 560 respectively.

During the fourth week in April, one kilogram of RSS-1, RSS-2 were Rs 576 and Rs 570 while RSS-3 recorded Rs 545.

source - www.dailynews.lk

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