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Airforce Rugby Fight in Kandy (video)

Written By 092505589 on Sunday, July 3, 2011 | 10:33 PM

.=jka yuqod m%ydrhlska
r.aì msáfha cxcd,hla


Bfha uykqjr ks;a;fj,§ mej;s r.aì ;r.hl§ .=á neg yqjudrejla we;sù wk;=rej fjä ;eîï ueoafoa ;r.h w;ru. k;r lrkakg isÿ jqKd'
fï cxcd,h isÿ jqfka .=jka yuqodj iy uykqjr l%Svd iudc ms, w;r meje;s ;r.hl§h'
.=jka yuqod Ng msßilf.a fmd¨ m%ydrhlg ,lajQ 20 fofkla muK fuys§ ;=jd, ,enqjd' .=jka yuqod Nghl= à¡56 .sks wúhlska wyig fjä ;eîu;a iuÕ r.aì msáh meh nd.hla mqrd hqo msáhla njg yereKd'.egqu ixis|jQfha w;sf¾l fmd,sia n,we‚ le|ùfuka nj miqj jd¾;d jqKd'
fuu cxcd,fha rEm rduq yd ùäfhda o¾Yk my; mßÈh

At Nittawella rugby grounds yesterday Airmen of the Air Force made havoc during a rugby match against Kandy SC by attacking the opposition supporters with batons, causing about 20 to be injured. An Airman had fired a T 56 into the air causing the authorities to abandon the match. The Rugby ground quickly turned into a fierce battlefield causing a terrific calamity.
This battle was brought under control only when Police Special task Force personnel who were summoned intervened.

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.=jka yuqod m%ydrhlska
r.aì msáfha cxcd,hla


Bfha uykqjr ks;a;fj,§ mej;s r.aì ;r.hl§ .=á neg yqjudrejla we;sù wk;=rej fjä ;eîï ueoafoa ;r.h w;ru. k;r lrkakg isÿ jqKd'
fï cxcd,h isÿ jqfka .=jka yuqodj iy uykqjr l%Svd iudc ms, w;r meje;s ;r.hl§h'
.=jka yuqod Ng msßilf.a fmd¨ m%ydrhlg ,lajQ 20 fofkla muK fuys§ ;=jd, ,enqjd' .=jka yuqod Nghl= à¡56 .sks wúhlska wyig fjä ;eîu;a iuÕ r.aì msáh meh nd.hla mqrd hqo msáhla njg yereKd'.egqu ixis|jQfha w;sf¾l fmd,sia n,we‚ le|ùfuka nj miqj jd¾;d jqKd'
fuu cxcd,fha rEm rduq yd ùäfhda o¾Yk my; mßÈh

At Nittawella rugby grounds yesterday Airmen of the Air Force made havoc during a rugby match against Kandy SC by attacking the opposition supporters with batons, causing about 20 to be injured. An Airman had fired a T 56 into the air causing the authorities to abandon the match. The Rugby ground quickly turned into a fierce battlefield causing a terrific calamity.
This battle was brought under control only when Police Special task Force personnel who were summoned intervened.

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