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Written By 092505589 on Friday, July 1, 2011 | 6:05 AM

[postlink]https://breakinghotnewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/07/fire-at-navinna.html[/postlink]A Van had been completely burnt by fire
The day before yesterday along High level road, near a cushion shop, a Van had been completely burnt. Another vehicle parked alongside too had been burnt slightly. The efforts of the people nearby had prevented a Allion motor vehicle been burnt with their timely intervention by pushing it aside on time
The pictures below shows it all:.
A Van had been completely burnt by fire
The day before yesterday along High level road, near a cushion shop, a Van had been completely burnt. Another vehicle parked alongside too had been burnt slightly. The efforts of the people nearby had prevented a Allion motor vehicle been burnt with their timely intervention by pushing it aside on time
The pictures below shows it all:.

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