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Written By 092505589 on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 | 5:20 AM

[postlink]https://breakinghotnewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/07/kahawatta-serial-killer_06.html[/postlink] TO INVESTIGATE INTO THE KAHAWATTA MYSTERIUOS KILLINGS THE GOVERNMENT TAKES APPROPRIATE POSITIVE STEPS TO GET TO THE ROOT OF THIS MYSTERY
Last night on the instructions of the Defence Secretary a contingent of 100 numbers STF personnel were sent to Kahawatta to get at the root of this mystery, to nab the hiding mysterious killers. A group of CID officers too had been sent earlier to conduct inquiries.
The Kahawatta people had made a strong protest as similar murders had taken place in that area a few years back and the police had not been able to apprehend the suspects. In the Ratnapura and Kahawatta areas about 8000 people in anger had participated in a very strong protest as they cannot live any longer in fear.

 Protestors had brought and kept a coffin and left in the centre of the road and had even set fires to tyres making the road between Embilipitiya and Pelmadulla impassable for traffic. The people of the area had come to a conclusion that a murderer had been responsible for the killings and it is not the work of a ‘devil’. They were of the view that if Police taken positive steps the murderer would now been brought to book by now.
It is now learnt that the first 3 murders were the work sex perverts. A suspect of 3 murders that had taken place sometime back had been apprehended by the Police. When this person was interrogated it was revealed that he was believed to be a sex pervert who was desperate to have sex with elderly women. The 7th murder had taken place due to the same reason. The details of some murders were published in the tabloid edition ’Manthu’ of the Dinamina paper:
On 19th may 2008, a woman aged 56 had been murdered in ‘Opathawatta’ in Kahawatta .The murderer was not identified. The victim was identified by the Police as Selliah Marayayi, a mother of 4 children. Her children all after marriage have left their ancestral ‘line’ home. The deceased was paralysed and had been living all alone in the estate ‘line’ home. Investigations revealed that she had been murdered after she was raped. The Police had failed to find the murderer.
After just a few months on 19th November 2008 another victim was from the ‘Kotakethana’ area by the name of Ariyawathie. When the Police was reported about her disappearance, the body was found buried in her premises and cause of death was found to be after she had been strangulated. In this instance also the Police failed to find the murderer. This made the villages to protest. The villages informed the Police when four suspected persons for were taken in for questioning. They were remanded and later were produced before the courts. On the instructions of the Attorney General they were all released as there were no conclusive evidence.This time too, the murderer was not identified. Time passed but before long a dead body of another elderly woman, by name Babynona was found floating in the ‘Kotakethana’ lake. According to the Police this murder may have occurred between the 4th May and 13th May 2010 when the decomposed state of the body was examined. As the murderer was evading arrest the villages made strong protests to the Police Authorities at the Kahawatta Police station. Not long after another elderly woman, Heen Menika 80 years old had died of head injuries also after been raped it had revealed. When Police investigation were conducted, they found that the murderer had consumed arrack and had smoked white ’beedi’ which were found scattered in the house.
With the advent of January 2011 another incident was reported. A villager had complained to the Police that a person had broken the lattice frame of a room window and tried to enter the room where his Loku Amma, also an elderly woman was living. On hearing the sound when the inmates of the house came into the room the culprit had fled away, but could not be identified. This too was reported to the Police. After this complaint a suspect Dhanapala was taken for questioning and was asked what business you had to enter into the room of an elderly woman. He was taken into the elderly woman’s room and was questioned. From his pocket the OIC was able to find white ’beedis’. The OIC immediately remembered that white ‘beedis’ that were spread in the room of murdered Heen Menike. The OIC questioned Dhanapala ,the suspect about his life. He confessed that after leaving school as he could not find a suitable employment he did odd jobs, mostly plucking coconuts, Jack and breadfruits etc. He had lost his mother and his father had left home and he was not known about his whereabouts.
Close to his home an old Grand Mother had lived. She lived all alone and at about 10 p.m. I visited her ‘line’ home. I squeezed her neck and killed her. No one had suspected him. In that year he had done domestic work in a house I saw in another house an old woman had lived. I raped her shut her mouth, dragged her by strapping her with a rope and pushed the dead bodyinto a river. He had confessed about a number of other mysterious killings which were unearthed.
The suspect of Opathage Karunawathie has still not been found. Some are suspecting a few others in connection with this murder. The OIC of Kahawatta Police, Roshan Dumith Aluthgamage added that investigations are been carried out to find the killer.

Photographs—Galili Punsara ,Niroshan Perera, Dinamina letter by Keerthi Mendis
Last night on the instructions of the Defence Secretary a contingent of 100 numbers STF personnel were sent to Kahawatta to get at the root of this mystery, to nab the hiding mysterious killers. A group of CID officers too had been sent earlier to conduct inquiries.
The Kahawatta people had made a strong protest as similar murders had taken place in that area a few years back and the police had not been able to apprehend the suspects. In the Ratnapura and Kahawatta areas about 8000 people in anger had participated in a very strong protest as they cannot live any longer in fear.

 Protestors had brought and kept a coffin and left in the centre of the road and had even set fires to tyres making the road between Embilipitiya and Pelmadulla impassable for traffic. The people of the area had come to a conclusion that a murderer had been responsible for the killings and it is not the work of a ‘devil’. They were of the view that if Police taken positive steps the murderer would now been brought to book by now.
It is now learnt that the first 3 murders were the work sex perverts. A suspect of 3 murders that had taken place sometime back had been apprehended by the Police. When this person was interrogated it was revealed that he was believed to be a sex pervert who was desperate to have sex with elderly women. The 7th murder had taken place due to the same reason. The details of some murders were published in the tabloid edition ’Manthu’ of the Dinamina paper:
On 19th may 2008, a woman aged 56 had been murdered in ‘Opathawatta’ in Kahawatta .The murderer was not identified. The victim was identified by the Police as Selliah Marayayi, a mother of 4 children. Her children all after marriage have left their ancestral ‘line’ home. The deceased was paralysed and had been living all alone in the estate ‘line’ home. Investigations revealed that she had been murdered after she was raped. The Police had failed to find the murderer.
After just a few months on 19th November 2008 another victim was from the ‘Kotakethana’ area by the name of Ariyawathie. When the Police was reported about her disappearance, the body was found buried in her premises and cause of death was found to be after she had been strangulated. In this instance also the Police failed to find the murderer. This made the villages to protest. The villages informed the Police when four suspected persons for were taken in for questioning. They were remanded and later were produced before the courts. On the instructions of the Attorney General they were all released as there were no conclusive evidence.This time too, the murderer was not identified. Time passed but before long a dead body of another elderly woman, by name Babynona was found floating in the ‘Kotakethana’ lake. According to the Police this murder may have occurred between the 4th May and 13th May 2010 when the decomposed state of the body was examined. As the murderer was evading arrest the villages made strong protests to the Police Authorities at the Kahawatta Police station. Not long after another elderly woman, Heen Menika 80 years old had died of head injuries also after been raped it had revealed. When Police investigation were conducted, they found that the murderer had consumed arrack and had smoked white ’beedi’ which were found scattered in the house.
With the advent of January 2011 another incident was reported. A villager had complained to the Police that a person had broken the lattice frame of a room window and tried to enter the room where his Loku Amma, also an elderly woman was living. On hearing the sound when the inmates of the house came into the room the culprit had fled away, but could not be identified. This too was reported to the Police. After this complaint a suspect Dhanapala was taken for questioning and was asked what business you had to enter into the room of an elderly woman. He was taken into the elderly woman’s room and was questioned. From his pocket the OIC was able to find white ’beedis’. The OIC immediately remembered that white ‘beedis’ that were spread in the room of murdered Heen Menike. The OIC questioned Dhanapala ,the suspect about his life. He confessed that after leaving school as he could not find a suitable employment he did odd jobs, mostly plucking coconuts, Jack and breadfruits etc. He had lost his mother and his father had left home and he was not known about his whereabouts.
Close to his home an old Grand Mother had lived. She lived all alone and at about 10 p.m. I visited her ‘line’ home. I squeezed her neck and killed her. No one had suspected him. In that year he had done domestic work in a house I saw in another house an old woman had lived. I raped her shut her mouth, dragged her by strapping her with a rope and pushed the dead bodyinto a river. He had confessed about a number of other mysterious killings which were unearthed.
The suspect of Opathage Karunawathie has still not been found. Some are suspecting a few others in connection with this murder. The OIC of Kahawatta Police, Roshan Dumith Aluthgamage added that investigations are been carried out to find the killer.

Photographs—Galili Punsara ,Niroshan Perera, Dinamina letter by Keerthi Mendis

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