[postlink]https://breakinghotnewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/07/medical-degrees-in-new-private-medical.html[/postlink]rcfha - fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd, w;r .egqï we;sjk ,l=Kq
m%hsjÜ fuäl,a whg rcfha frday,a nE
oekg ud,fò wrUd we;s fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,fha isiqkag iSudjdisl mqyqKqj fydaud.u uy frdayf,aoS ,ndfokakg iQodkula mj;sk nj;a tjekakla isÿ l<fyd;a nrm;, wr.,hlg hk nj;a rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.uh oekqï oS ;sfnkjd'
,xldfõ mj;sk l%uh wkqj Wiia fm< úNd.fha w;sYh ;r.ldÍ igklska miq ffjoH YsIHhska iSñ; msßila n|jd .;a kuq;a tu ;r.h yE,a¨jg ,lalrñka uqo,a we;s whg myiqfjka ffjoH isiq jrï oSu ms<sn| isiqka isÿ lrk úfrdaOh ld,hla ;siafia mej;=Kd'
,xldfõ fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd, msysgqùug ñka fmr rchka iEu tllau W;aidy oerej;a isiq wr., yd úfrdaOh mEï yuqfõ tajd ish,a, wl=,d .ekSug isÿjQ w;r m<uq jrg mqoa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,hla msysgqjkakg iu;a jQfha j;auka rchhs'
flfia fj;;a th msysgjQ wdldrh ldyg;a m%fya<sldjls'
ud,fò msysá mqoa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,hg rcfha ffjoH iNdfõ wkque;sh ,eî ke;s nj;a Y%S ,xld kS;sh hgf;a ljr kS;shlskaj;a th msysgqùug wjir ,eî ke;s nj;a rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.uh oekqï fokjd'
flfia fj;;a 2010 isg wOHhk lghq;= wrUd we;s ol=Kq wdishdkq ;dlaIK yd ffjoH wdh;kh kue;s ud,fò msysá fuu wdh;kh Wiia wOHdmk wud;H tia î osidkdhlf.a mQ¾K wkq.%yh wkqn,h ,nd we;s wdh;khls'
fuu wdh;kfhka ffjoH fukau bxcsfkare yd whs'à' Wmdê;a uqo,a f.jd bf.k .; yelsh'
tï î î tia Wmdêh jir 5 l mdGud,djla jk w;r ta i|yd wjYH wju wOHdmk iqÿiqlu Wiia fm< úNd.fhaoS ztiaZ idud¾: 3 la muKs'
It is suggested that the batch of medical students, in the new Malabe private medical hospital are to obtain ward experience from the Homagama Government hoppital.aif this is implemented the GMOA has warned that drastic action by way of a protest, would be taken by its members.
It is a well known fact that admission to any medical college is based on students who have obtained the highest marks at the GCE (Advanced Level) examination. However those who have obtained lesser marks had been given the opportunity to enter the private medical colleges. However those affluent who have money have been given preference to over those in the lesser income groups. This decision has been deeply protested by the GMOA, in the unfair manner of the selection process had been made.
The concept of commencing of new private medical colleges, had been in the foremost in the minds of previous government officials. The suggestion for some reason or other could not be implemented and unfortunately could not get off the ‘blocks’. However this government was able to commence a just a few private medical colleges. This is is a puzzle to many as to how this government was able to break the shackles and get off the ‘blocks ‘by breaking all obstacles.
The GMOA had added that no private medical college could be opened without having their sanction and approval. The sessions have already begun in the year 2010 under the sole approval of the Minister of Higher Education, S.B.Dissanayake. The GMOA is baffled as to how these private medical colleges were formed in the year 2010 under their sole approval and without obtaining their permission. At these private medical colleges, Diplomas in IT also could be studied with the payment of a fee.
The MBBS degree takes a period of 5 years to complete and those with just 3 'S' passes in the GCE (Advanced Level) could get enrolled on a payment of a fee.
rcfha - fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd, w;r .egqï we;sjk ,l=Kqm%hsjÜ fuäl,a whg rcfha frday,a nE
oekg ud,fò wrUd we;s fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,fha isiqkag iSudjdisl mqyqKqj fydaud.u uy frdayf,aoS ,ndfokakg iQodkula mj;sk nj;a tjekakla isÿ l<fyd;a nrm;, wr.,hlg hk nj;a rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.uh oekqï oS ;sfnkjd'
,xldfõ mj;sk l%uh wkqj Wiia fm< úNd.fha w;sYh ;r.ldÍ igklska miq ffjoH YsIHhska iSñ; msßila n|jd .;a kuq;a tu ;r.h yE,a¨jg ,lalrñka uqo,a we;s whg myiqfjka ffjoH isiq jrï oSu ms<sn| isiqka isÿ lrk úfrdaOh ld,hla ;siafia mej;=Kd'
,xldfõ fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd, msysgqùug ñka fmr rchka iEu tllau W;aidy oerej;a isiq wr., yd úfrdaOh mEï yuqfõ tajd ish,a, wl=,d .ekSug isÿjQ w;r m<uq jrg mqoa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,hla msysgqjkakg iu;a jQfha j;auka rchhs'
flfia fj;;a th msysgjQ wdldrh ldyg;a m%fya<sldjls'
ud,fò msysá mqoa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,hg rcfha ffjoH iNdfõ wkque;sh ,eî ke;s nj;a Y%S ,xld kS;sh hgf;a ljr kS;shlskaj;a th msysgqùug wjir ,eî ke;s nj;a rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.uh oekqï fokjd'
flfia fj;;a 2010 isg wOHhk lghq;= wrUd we;s ol=Kq wdishdkq ;dlaIK yd ffjoH wdh;kh kue;s ud,fò msysá fuu wdh;kh Wiia wOHdmk wud;H tia î osidkdhlf.a mQ¾K wkq.%yh wkqn,h ,nd we;s wdh;khls'
fuu wdh;kfhka ffjoH fukau bxcsfkare yd whs'à' Wmdê;a uqo,a f.jd bf.k .; yelsh'
tï î î tia Wmdêh jir 5 l mdGud,djla jk w;r ta i|yd wjYH wju wOHdmk iqÿiqlu Wiia fm< úNd.fhaoS ztiaZ idud¾: 3 la muKs'
It is suggested that the batch of medical students, in the new Malabe private medical hospital are to obtain ward experience from the Homagama Government hoppital.aif this is implemented the GMOA has warned that drastic action by way of a protest, would be taken by its members.
It is a well known fact that admission to any medical college is based on students who have obtained the highest marks at the GCE (Advanced Level) examination. However those who have obtained lesser marks had been given the opportunity to enter the private medical colleges. However those affluent who have money have been given preference to over those in the lesser income groups. This decision has been deeply protested by the GMOA, in the unfair manner of the selection process had been made.
The concept of commencing of new private medical colleges, had been in the foremost in the minds of previous government officials. The suggestion for some reason or other could not be implemented and unfortunately could not get off the ‘blocks’. However this government was able to commence a just a few private medical colleges. This is is a puzzle to many as to how this government was able to break the shackles and get off the ‘blocks ‘by breaking all obstacles.
The GMOA had added that no private medical college could be opened without having their sanction and approval. The sessions have already begun in the year 2010 under the sole approval of the Minister of Higher Education, S.B.Dissanayake. The GMOA is baffled as to how these private medical colleges were formed in the year 2010 under their sole approval and without obtaining their permission. At these private medical colleges, Diplomas in IT also could be studied with the payment of a fee.
The MBBS degree takes a period of 5 years to complete and those with just 3 'S' passes in the GCE (Advanced Level) could get enrolled on a payment of a fee.
m%hsjÜ fuäl,a whg rcfha frday,a nE
oekg ud,fò wrUd we;s fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,fha isiqkag iSudjdisl mqyqKqj fydaud.u uy frdayf,aoS ,ndfokakg iQodkula mj;sk nj;a tjekakla isÿ l<fyd;a nrm;, wr.,hlg hk nj;a rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.uh oekqï oS ;sfnkjd'
,xldfõ mj;sk l%uh wkqj Wiia fm< úNd.fha w;sYh ;r.ldÍ igklska miq ffjoH YsIHhska iSñ; msßila n|jd .;a kuq;a tu ;r.h yE,a¨jg ,lalrñka uqo,a we;s whg myiqfjka ffjoH isiq jrï oSu ms<sn| isiqka isÿ lrk úfrdaOh ld,hla ;siafia mej;=Kd'
,xldfõ fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd, msysgqùug ñka fmr rchka iEu tllau W;aidy oerej;a isiq wr., yd úfrdaOh mEï yuqfõ tajd ish,a, wl=,d .ekSug isÿjQ w;r m<uq jrg mqoa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,hla msysgqjkakg iu;a jQfha j;auka rchhs'
flfia fj;;a th msysgjQ wdldrh ldyg;a m%fya<sldjls'
ud,fò msysá mqoa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,hg rcfha ffjoH iNdfõ wkque;sh ,eî ke;s nj;a Y%S ,xld kS;sh hgf;a ljr kS;shlskaj;a th msysgqùug wjir ,eî ke;s nj;a rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.uh oekqï fokjd'
flfia fj;;a 2010 isg wOHhk lghq;= wrUd we;s ol=Kq wdishdkq ;dlaIK yd ffjoH wdh;kh kue;s ud,fò msysá fuu wdh;kh Wiia wOHdmk wud;H tia î osidkdhlf.a mQ¾K wkq.%yh wkqn,h ,nd we;s wdh;khls'
fuu wdh;kfhka ffjoH fukau bxcsfkare yd whs'à' Wmdê;a uqo,a f.jd bf.k .; yelsh'
tï î î tia Wmdêh jir 5 l mdGud,djla jk w;r ta i|yd wjYH wju wOHdmk iqÿiqlu Wiia fm< úNd.fhaoS ztiaZ idud¾: 3 la muKs'
It is suggested that the batch of medical students, in the new Malabe private medical hospital are to obtain ward experience from the Homagama Government hoppital.aif this is implemented the GMOA has warned that drastic action by way of a protest, would be taken by its members.
It is a well known fact that admission to any medical college is based on students who have obtained the highest marks at the GCE (Advanced Level) examination. However those who have obtained lesser marks had been given the opportunity to enter the private medical colleges. However those affluent who have money have been given preference to over those in the lesser income groups. This decision has been deeply protested by the GMOA, in the unfair manner of the selection process had been made.
The concept of commencing of new private medical colleges, had been in the foremost in the minds of previous government officials. The suggestion for some reason or other could not be implemented and unfortunately could not get off the ‘blocks’. However this government was able to commence a just a few private medical colleges. This is is a puzzle to many as to how this government was able to break the shackles and get off the ‘blocks ‘by breaking all obstacles.
The GMOA had added that no private medical college could be opened without having their sanction and approval. The sessions have already begun in the year 2010 under the sole approval of the Minister of Higher Education, S.B.Dissanayake. The GMOA is baffled as to how these private medical colleges were formed in the year 2010 under their sole approval and without obtaining their permission. At these private medical colleges, Diplomas in IT also could be studied with the payment of a fee.
The MBBS degree takes a period of 5 years to complete and those with just 3 'S' passes in the GCE (Advanced Level) could get enrolled on a payment of a fee.
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