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MA solves education problem: iPads for kindergartners

Written By 092505589 on Friday, May 27, 2011 | 6:00 AM

[postlink]https://breakinghotnewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/05/ma-solves-education-problem-ipads-for.html[/postlink]Deficit? What deficit? Taxechusetts has solved the crisis of education costs skyrocketing while test scores are simultaneously plummeting: buy iPads for 5 year olds. Uh - what? The heck is a 5-year old going to do with an iPad exactly? Watch episodes of Dora?
Keep you kids home. Homeschool. You'll be happy, your kids will be happy.
Deficit? What deficit? Taxechusetts has solved the crisis of education costs skyrocketing while test scores are simultaneously plummeting: buy iPads for 5 year olds. Uh - what? The heck is a 5-year old going to do with an iPad exactly? Watch episodes of Dora?
Keep you kids home. Homeschool. You'll be happy, your kids will be happy.

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