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WP Reporter Harold Meyerson Explains His Commitment to Socialism (Video)

Written By 092505589 on Friday, May 27, 2011 | 8:39 AM

[postlink]https://breakinghotnewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/05/wp-reporter-harold-meyerson-explains.html[/postlink]Harold Meyerson, who's a columnist at the Washington Post, and a leader of the Democratic Socialists of America explains his commitment to socialism. Just a reminder, Harold Meyerson is a leader of an extremist group that clearly wants to get rid of private property:
We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit
So, don't be fooled by Meyerson's misleading statements on socialism. You can't have private property without a private profits.
Harold Meyerson, who's a columnist at the Washington Post, and a leader of the Democratic Socialists of America explains his commitment to socialism. Just a reminder, Harold Meyerson is a leader of an extremist group that clearly wants to get rid of private property:
We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profit
So, don't be fooled by Meyerson's misleading statements on socialism. You can't have private property without a private profits.

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