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Video of Charles Krauthammer: How the Media Will Try to Help Re-elect Obama

Written By 092505589 on Thursday, May 26, 2011 | 4:00 AM

[postlink]https://breakinghotnewsonline.blogspot.com/2011/05/video-of-charles-krauthammer-how-media.html[/postlink]The media ought to fill out tax forms with their advocacy of Obama as an in-kind contribution:
Via BreitbartTV. To the media, Obama is too big to fail. Speaking of the Obama voter: Rush Handles the Quintessential Obama Voter
The media ought to fill out tax forms with their advocacy of Obama as an in-kind contribution:
Via BreitbartTV. To the media, Obama is too big to fail. Speaking of the Obama voter: Rush Handles the Quintessential Obama Voter

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