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Astra Margarine Not Suitable for Kids !

Written By 092505589 on Sunday, June 26, 2011 | 1:02 AM

jhi 3g wvq orejkag
weiag%d fokak tmd
wêlrK ksfhda.hla

os.= lf,l mgka ,xldfõ fjf<| fmdf<a lS¾;su;a kula oskd isák weiag%d ud.Íka ksIamdokhg tfrysj miq.sh n%yiam;skaod wêlrK ksfhda.hla mekjqKd'
ta weiag%d ud.Íka jhi wjqreÿ 3g wvq l=vd orejkaf.a wdydrhg kqiqÿiq neúka mdßfNd.slhskaf.a oek.ekSu msKsi ta ms<sn| igykla wod< ksIamdokfha oelaúh hq;= njls'

weiag%d ud.Íka j, wvx.= B 319 keue;s m%;sTlaiSldrlh jhi 3g wvq orejkaf.a jeãug wys;lr f,i n,mdk njg lreKq m<jQ wjia:djl fï ksfhda.h mkjd we;af;a wkqrdOmqr lyg.iaÈ.s,sh ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhhs'
flfia fj;;a fï ms<sn| miqj lreKq olajk wod< ksIamdokh isÿlrk hqks,sj¾ iud.u furg lsis÷ j.lsj hq;= wdh;khla ;ukag ksfhda.hla ksl=;a lr fyda Wmfoia ,nd § ke;s njls'

Last Thursday a court order was issued to ban Astra Margarine for consumption of children below 3 years in age. Astra Margarine had been a very popular and prestigious name among housewives in particular. An order had been given to print visibly on all boxes that Astra Margarine is harmful and not conducive for consumption to children below 3 years of age.
This court order had been issued by the Khatagasdigiliya Magistrate as Astra margarine contains E -319 antioxidant substance harmful to children. The authorities of the Unilever Company had added that up to now in its long history no responsible organisation are yet to order or advise them on a matter of this nature.
jhi 3g wvq orejkag
weiag%d fokak tmd
wêlrK ksfhda.hla

os.= lf,l mgka ,xldfõ fjf<| fmdf<a lS¾;su;a kula oskd isák weiag%d ud.Íka ksIamdokhg tfrysj miq.sh n%yiam;skaod wêlrK ksfhda.hla mekjqKd'
ta weiag%d ud.Íka jhi wjqreÿ 3g wvq l=vd orejkaf.a wdydrhg kqiqÿiq neúka mdßfNd.slhskaf.a oek.ekSu msKsi ta ms<sn| igykla wod< ksIamdokfha oelaúh hq;= njls'

weiag%d ud.Íka j, wvx.= B 319 keue;s m%;sTlaiSldrlh jhi 3g wvq orejkaf.a jeãug wys;lr f,i n,mdk njg lreKq m<jQ wjia:djl fï ksfhda.h mkjd we;af;a wkqrdOmqr lyg.iaÈ.s,sh ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKhhs'
flfia fj;;a fï ms<sn| miqj lreKq olajk wod< ksIamdokh isÿlrk hqks,sj¾ iud.u furg lsis÷ j.lsj hq;= wdh;khla ;ukag ksfhda.hla ksl=;a lr fyda Wmfoia ,nd § ke;s njls'

Last Thursday a court order was issued to ban Astra Margarine for consumption of children below 3 years in age. Astra Margarine had been a very popular and prestigious name among housewives in particular. An order had been given to print visibly on all boxes that Astra Margarine is harmful and not conducive for consumption to children below 3 years of age.
This court order had been issued by the Khatagasdigiliya Magistrate as Astra margarine contains E -319 antioxidant substance harmful to children. The authorities of the Unilever Company had added that up to now in its long history no responsible organisation are yet to order or advise them on a matter of this nature.

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